Getting Started


The olturf library has two dependencies that must be included, OpenLayers and Turf. Therefore, the following is the minimum needed to set up an olturf web application.

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>


Using the olturf library is as simple as creating a new instance of a olturf.Toolbar control and then adding it to an existing ol.Map. The default toolbar provides reasonable defaults for it's layout and commands. By default the toolbar is displayed across the top with all available Turf commands enabled. For commands requiring inputs a popup form is displayed. If the Turf command returns a feature it is added to the map. If a value is returned it is displayed in a popup message.


Below is the standard toolbar that is displayed when no options are provided.

    const toolbar = new olturf.Toolbar();
    const map = new ol.Map({...});


The olturf.Toolbar(options) constructor takes an optional argument that allows the user to override the default settings like the styling of the toolbar and providing custom processing of Turf command outputs. The options argument is a ol.control.Control options object with an additional olturf property. For a complete description see the olturf.Toolbar documentation.

  options = {
    olturf: {
      controls : ['area', ...],   // list of controls to add to toolbar
      handler  : {                // callback to handle Turf commands output
        callback : function(name, inputs, output) {...}
      prefix   : 'olturf-foo',  // prefix to apply to toolbar annd control IDs.
      style    : 'olturf-bar'   // style to apply to toolbar